Saturday, August 28, 2010

Le Soleil

I'm always so full of words and when I open my mouth there is nothing. Some important things have been decided. I've withdrawn from Pratt, gone on several job interviews, and will be applying to law school for the fall of 2012. The for ever academic is becoming the esquire. I am thrilled and terrified and full of logic games.

So to ignore life for a bit, Jon and I departed briefly for the Bahamas. Not typically our type of vacation, Jon the albino wonder boy and me the dark loving lady, but it was interesting. We are both more than excited for D.C. in a week. Talk of buying our own house there, of the cherry blossoms we perpetually miss in New York but will be sure to see in our capitol, and the beauty that is an actual campus. So many changes in such a short amount of time. Keats is excited too.

Monday, August 16, 2010

La Belle Dame Sans Merci

These past few days I've walked miles, had no thoughts, and yearned for thunderstorms. Storm, now, storm.

Monday, August 2, 2010


This past Saturday was my 22nd birthday and I must say 22 is looking better than ever. Jon planned a lovely day of gardens and chocolate and too much incredible italian food. I am lucky to have spent the past four birthdays with this man.
There have been lots of changes, seemingly small, going on here lately. I've been wary of talking about them as it seems I am fickle (I am) and unfocused (I am not). What it comes down to is, simply put, more schooling. No more New York. Hopes of grandeur. Places I never thought I would be, we would be.
September it is my turn to take Jon out on the town, thought not our town. For my wonderful man's 30th birthday we are heading to D.C.! A trip full of high hopes and history. Have already found a kitschy hotel smack dab in the middle of the action and am planning on making friends with the Lincoln memorial and sampling all the cupcakes at Georgetown Bakery. We are both hoping this trip is a harbinger of things to come. Fingers crossed for a reason to relocate in the near future.
It is difficult to have so much up in the air. Am up for a job that would make the next two years substantially easier though incredibly busy. Working full time, studying nonstop, all the while attempting to obtain my masters in two years. Truthfully, I'm excited. I am not built for boredom.