Monday, May 31, 2010



For the past four years I've been in a tumultuous, on and off again relationship. Several times we've nearly parted ways. There was something missing. We argued. We screamed at one another about things like flowers, about snow, about coldness both literal and figurative. We never saw eye to eye and we each were only waiting for something better. And yet, for whatever reason, I've stuck it out. Lately my love affair, with this city, has become serious.


It isn't that I hate cities. Just the opposite really. Moving from the southside of Chicago to the south of Florida was nearly enough to kill this city girl at a young age. I love the feel of big cities, the energy and the anonymity. Yet somehow New York always seemed off. I wanted it to fit, I forced it to fit and still, it didn't. However, lately I've been thinking about what it will be like to no longer be here. To no longer walk along the Promenade or nearly deserted streets in Red Hook. It will be sad.


The past few days have been lovely. Trips to the Brooklyn flea, three newly acquired vintage dresses, chocolate cloud cookies from Baked, ice cream from the Brooklyn ice cream factory, and sticky mornings with Keats and Jon sleeping while I wait for the sun to come up. And I know these aren't only Brooklyn happenings. I know other places have these wonderful things but still, my heart is already beginning to ache at the thought that we will not always live here.


I can always tell how much I will get along with a person by the lottery game. If you won the lottery, which neighborhood would you live in? My answer is always Brooklyn Heights. Or maybe deep in the West Village. But I just don't know if I could leave Brooklyn so easily. We have history and air here and no matter what anyone says, more heart than Manhattan

Friday, May 28, 2010

An introduction of sorts

As I well know, no one is yet reading this. However, I feel the need to introduce myself.

I am Emily. Please refrain from ever calling me by any other name (particularly Em). I recently graduated NYU with a degree in English and too many French classes to count. Next up, graduate school! Will one day become a Librarian at well respected university. As of now I appear anchored to New York. Brooklyn, to be exact. This is not what I want, sometimes. Though there are days where I want nothing more than to sit outside in the tiny Cobble Hill park and never, ever leave New York.

Home life consists of one me, one boyfriend, one seemingly adorable though actually terrifying cat. Cat is Keats, boyfriend is Jon. We are happy and have been that way for several years now. Jon, who will surely be mentioned often here as he is my partner in crime (we commit no crimes and are steadfastly commited to being homebodies), is a wonderful man who puts up with my antics. He works at Barnes and Noble. We fell in love because of this fact. He looks a bit like this:


This will be a blog about day to day life, I suppose. Which, hopefully, will often consist of Brooklyn adventures and journeys to far away lands. Upcoming adventures: London, Paris, Amsterdam. A gift to myself from myself and a gift to my mother for being so lovely and so supportive. Je l'aime beaucoup.


Well then, let us get a jump on my life!


Wednesday was a very long work day which consisted of many thoughts of abandonment. Picking up my belongings, scooping up the cat and the boyfriend and sailing away blissfully to Paris. Did not do this. Instead went to dinner with some beautiful friends at a rather pink place, Sweetiepie and accidentally stumbling into a vintage shop and finding a white polka dot dress with POCKETS. Needless to say it is now hanging in my closet. Then an improptu trip to trivia night with said friends plus a few and a Jon. Nearly won but stupid question about a stupid song mentioning a stupid port caused our loss. Did you know Chernobyl happened in Ukraine and not Russia?

Thursday was early morning tarts and reading of books before short naps. Went to fill out paperwork at the incredible place I will be interning this summer, the Brooklyn Museum. Purchased some silk to craft bows out of and ended my night with yoga. And here I am.

My promise for this blog is that it will contain many pictures and at times interesting thoughts. Seeing as I am at my work computer, thats right I am typing this at work, oh the life of a GA, little relevant pictures are posted here but it will happen, pinky promise. If anyone is reading this, say hello. I will say hello back!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Hello there

Oh my, there is no point to this but, then again, is there ever?